George Santos has been expelled from the House but there’s more work to do.

George Santos (Photo: NRCC under Fair Use)

George Santos (Photo: NRCC under Fair Use)

New York Representative George Santos has been kicked out of Congress by a large bipartisan majority for things such as lying on his resume, wire fraud and money laundering.

If you want to know more about it, you find plenty of Santos stories on CNN.

So, Santos is gone, but look who’s still there!

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, at this writing, is still serving.  He’s been indicted on charges of acting as a foreign agent for Egypt.

And what about a couple of Squad members, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? 

These two rarely side with American interests, and Omar is famous for saying “some people did something” on 9-11.  And Omar and Tlaib both support the BDS movement, a Palestinian-led effort to boycott Israel.

Omar and Tlaib are Democrats, as you would expect, based on their views, and CNN has never obsessed over them as it has over Santos.

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You can’t expel members of Congress just for their political views.

Of course, Menendez, who has been in similar trouble before, ought to be gone.  But what about Omar, Tlaib, and the rest of the Squad?  Remember, one of the newest Squad members is Austin-area Congressman Greg Casar, who is just as bad as Omar and Tlaib.

Typically, being a Squad member means being a terrorism apologist, hating Israel, hating America is many cases, supporting socialism, hating capitalism, and supporting pretty much any other bad stuff you can think of.

And yet, tossing members of Congress out is a hard thing to do.  As it should be.

But what about members who go into office moderately wealthy and come out filthy rich?  (Filthy being the key word here.)

Please don’t try to tell me that Eddie Bernice Johnson, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and many others haven’t profited from their inside information and from their questionable use of campaign contributions.

We talk a lot about The Swamp, but Congress is just as dirty and it needs just as much cleaning up.

Remember, Joe Biden was in the Senate and was Vice President when he reached a point of being able to afford Corvettes and vacation homes on the beach.  Like Menendez, Biden was seemingly entangled with foreign countries who pumped money into his family in exchange for copious amounts of cash.

Yes, wire fraud is bad.  So, I’m glad Santos is gone.  But as 60 Minutes once told us, the problem with Congress is not so much what’s illegal as what’s legal.  Since Congress makes the laws, they have made it very easy for themselves to profit off fthier service.

And if we got rid of every member who’s lied, who would run our country?

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based author, broadcaster, and songwriter.  Follow his podcast at  Check out his author’s page at  Order books direct from Lynn at https://PlanetLogicPress.Square.Site.  Email Lynn at

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