They might have beaten Trump had they stayed with facts. They didn’t, and the rest is history.Continue Reading
[W]hat about the so-called journalists at ProPublica, the left-wing outfit that’s written articles smearing Thomas? Continue Reading
[I]s The Texas Tribune “Trusted by Texans?” I think a better question, given the newspaper’s left-wing slant is this: Should The Texas Tribune be trusted by Texans? Continue Reading
That’s a lot of left-wing trash talk for a down-the-line newspaper. But it goes on attacking Republicans.Continue Reading
When you watch CNN and read the AP, be skeptical. Be very skeptical.Continue Reading
Since government cannot control media, the people will have to reform the system. Continue Reading
You can’t get there from here by simply keeping your mouth shut, or boycotting woke companies. Here’s what you can do. You can raise hell.Continue Reading
If newspapers want to last longer than the ten years Mark Thomson has given them, they will have to implement the fix. They must give the American people new and exciting reasons to read the print editions.Continue Reading
This column could refer to most any story submitted through the Associated Press to hundreds of newspapers and broadcast stations that robotically use the AP as if it were honest.Continue Reading