When you look at the bankruptcy of ideas in the progressive movement, you begin to understand the big rush to make radical changes.Continue Reading
Does anybody rush to the TV when Joe Biden speaks? Not likely. But Trump is a master orator.Continue Reading
Instead of MAGA – Biden is giving us MAMA – Make America Miserable Again.Continue Reading
Joe Biden stepped up to the podium, surrounded by fellow progressives, a fawning media, and thousands of troops, and told the world that he was all about unity.Continue Reading
If Biden makes it to January 20th, we’ll be installing an administration from a party that believes America is an evil nation, born in sin, and that must be radically changed.Continue Reading
We have Trump now, but we won’t have him much longer even if he gets reelected. Please understand what we have and cherish it...Continue Reading
Under President Harris, America will be fully punished for all its past sins that can NEVER be forgotten.Continue Reading
You need to sit down and tell me — if you want me to hate Trump as you do — how we will be better off as a country and as conservatives with a Biden presidency. I’m not seeing it. I’m seeing a terrible situation in the country if Biden wins.Continue Reading
You’ll excuse me if I have a certain amount of sympathy for Tara Reade, the woman who has come forward to accuse former Vice President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked in his Senate office.Continue Reading
If you’re on the political Right, you almost certainly believe that the government overreacted in closing down the American economy. If you’re on the Left, you believe we should keep America closed for the foreseeable future.Continue Reading