Speaking live in a wide-ranging interview with Talk 1370's Cardle & Woolley Tuesday morning, Williams said the idea of even readying the 8,500 troops gave him chills.Continue Reading
Election integrity must be protected and this invitation for illegal voting and other irregularities cannot be allowed to stand.Continue Reading
Constant tension between the branches is frequently beneficial to the citizenry as it denies an overwhelming accumulation of power by any one branch.Continue Reading
In our (hopefully) post-pandemic world, a new affliction is emerging, and unsustainable spending is its most visible symptom. This affliction is a fever, a spending fever and most hard hit are local governments still reeling from recent election cycles in which efforts to procure voter approval of new bond projects (also known as tax increases) were dampened if not totally Continue Reading
Rewriting our history threatens memorialization of our Founding Fathers’ wisdom, of their profound vision and of the self-governing framework that has become the United States of America.Continue Reading
They run our schools like schools. But they ought to be run like businesses.Continue Reading
Lou Ann Anderson: Who’s woke? The easier question to answer might be who’s not.Continue Reading
A classical education is designed to teach students how to think and to provide them with the tools to reason and use logic.Continue Reading
We may have misinterpreted the usage of the word “king.” We were thinking only of King Herod – but some at that manger scene are referring to the baby as a king.Continue Reading
[Chris] Wallace is going to be the centerpiece of a CNN effort to discredit FOX News as "radicalized."Continue Reading