If a baby in the womb is a human being, then killing it is inhumane. Even inhuman.Continue Reading
This is the story of China’s 100-year plan for world domination. To do that, they must defeat the United States of America.Continue Reading
With the 2022 midterm elections nearing, Bell County is upping its game on the election integrity front.Continue Reading
Election cheating doesn’t exist! That’s the story government with its tech, corporate and media partners are sticking to.Continue Reading
[U]nderage children should not be subjected to the surgeon’s knife so that woke parents can brag about having a transgender “son” or “daughter.”Continue Reading
Can you imagine how weird it would seem if some routine job you did turned into a cult thirty years after the fact?Continue Reading
By Donna Garner: Beto O'Rourke is unfit to be the President nor the Vice-President of the United States of America; and he is certainly not fit to be the Governor of Texas.Continue Reading
Belton ISD's library books, potential electioneering and unanswered questions of possible sexual misconduct allegations.Continue Reading
In the seventies, the Left was frantic about human activity triggering an ice age.Continue Reading
Column by Sherry Sylvester. The University of Texas needs to wake up before somebody shows this syllabus to Red McCombs—and he demands his money back.Continue Reading