As the public seems to lose confidence in public education, Belton ISD appears to exemplify this trend.Continue Reading
As the public appears to lose confidence in public education, Belton ISD's bond campaign electioneering allegations provide the latest example.Continue Reading
Did Belton ISD engage in aggressive bond election campaigning or commit straight out electioneering?Continue Reading
The Texas Association of School Boards announced its departure from the National School Boards Association late Monday.Continue Reading
Here is the truth: In a perfect world, we could stop mass murderers. In the real world, we can’t.Continue Reading
“Great Replacement Theory” is not something Republicans made up out of thin air. It’s an active conspiracy that Democrats have been implementing for years.Continue Reading
If the anti-tolerant, Marxist Left wants to destroy the greatest nation on Earth, taking over medical schools is a damn good strategy.Continue Reading
“Do unto others” seems a concept absent from school and other local government bond elections.Continue Reading
Local governments seek convincing voters to take on new debt (i.e., higher taxes) ostensibly "for the good" of the community. But is that always the case?Continue Reading
School administrators struggle as the days of voters “rubber stamping” bond elections are over.Continue Reading