Joe Biden as a “Manchurian Candidate” isn't a novel topic, but what might such a candidate’s policy prescriptions look like?Continue Reading
The “security state” feels its power threatened so its destructive sights are trained on anyone seen as in the way.Continue Reading
Disturbing as it is, one must wonder if America as we knew it is already gone?Continue Reading
Recent years have brought a dizzying pace of political changes portending dangerous consequences for the American people.Continue Reading
“Great Replacement Theory” is not something Republicans made up out of thin air. It’s an active conspiracy that Democrats have been implementing for years.Continue Reading
Gerson sides with the hate-group the Anti-Defamation League, which has called for Tucker Carlson to be fired.Continue Reading
But the worst precedent may be the changing of the meaning of murder.Continue Reading
When you watch CNN and read the AP, be skeptical. Be very skeptical.Continue Reading
The more violence we see in streets, the better the left-wing media likes it. They want us to hate each other over race – and they’re getting their way. This is how nations collapse.Continue Reading
Democrats are fine with law breaking – always have been. It’s just that they are not fine with Donald Trump’s law breaking. In their hearts, they know he’s a hardened criminal, and they are going to get to the bottom of whatever crimes he has committed whether or not they are notated in the Mueller Report or in the Steele Dossier.Continue Reading